Raising Breast Cancer Awareness for Afro-Caribbean Patients

Charlotte Beames
Oct 26, 2023

October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the celebration of Black History Month. We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the pressing issue of health disparities within the Afro-Caribbean community and to shed light on the efforts to address these inequalities and promote early breast cancer diagnosis.

Understanding the Disparities:
While breast cancer incidence rates are lower among black African and black Caribbean women compared to their white counterparts, research exposes a stark reality. Women from Caribbean and African backgrounds are more frequently diagnosed with breast cancer at later, less treatable stages. Furthermore, approximately 25% of black African women and 22% of black Caribbean women receive breast cancer diagnoses at stage 3 or 4, in contrast to only 13% of white women. This disparity extends to survival rates, with a three-year survival rate of 85% for black women in England, compared to 91% for white women.

Why Do These Disparities Exist?
Cancer guidelines, within the UK and beyond, have historically been colourblind. Moreover, research involving the black community has often lacked integrity and often resulted in harm, causing a significant, and understandable, lack of trust. Consequently, alongside systemic racism, there has historically been an underrepresentation of black patients within medical research, ultimately resulting in a lack of understanding and very limited improvements in breast cancer treatment targeted at black women. More needs to be done to earn the trust of the black community and to consequently enable improved representation in research and cancer guidelines.

Empowering Through the CoppaFeel! Chest Checklist:
We would also like to spotlight the remarkable efforts of our dedicated charity supporter, CoppaFeel!. In partnership with the cancer support project, Black Women Rising, CoppaFeel! has introduced a powerful resource, the CoppaFeel! Chest Checklist. This interactive video guide, tailored specifically for black women, is designed to demonstrate the correct way to check your chests. By following this video tutorial, you can empower yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to check your chests effectively, aiding in the early detection of potential issues. It's a vital step towards diagnosing breast cancer in black women at earlier, more treatable stages. We encourage you to explore this resource, as it plays a pivotal role in our collective mission to improve cancer survival in the Afro-Caribbean community.

A Unified Call to Action:
This Breast Cancer Awareness Month let's take action together. Regularly check your chests. Remember, breast cancer doesn't discriminate, and by checking your chests monthly, you are helping to identify any issues early. Explore the Chest Checklist and take control of your health.

As we celebrate Black History Month, let's also confront the health disparities that persist in our communities. Together, we can create a brighter and healthier future for everyone, regardless of their background.

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