Our team

We are a global community from different backgrounds, ethnicities and spoken languages, living and working in different countries and continents. Together, connected by a single purpose, and mission for all patients to survive cancer.

fists bumping into each otherfists bumping into each other
headshot of dr. bhavagaya bakshi, MD

Dr Bhavagaya Bakshi, MD

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

Bea is an advocate for removing inequalities among marginalised communities who may be overlooked when it comes to cancer diagnosis and care – dedicated to giving everyone the opportunity to survive cancer.

In 2021, she was selected by the Obama Foundation to be an Obama Leader Fellow, shaping the debate on inequalities around the world. Bea is also part of Microsoft’s AI for Social Impact program, Google’s Start-up Sustainable Development Goal program, and sits on the AWS European Clinical Advisory Group.

Dr Miles Payling, MD

Co-founder and Chief Product Officer

Miles studied Medicine at Imperial College London and undertook a bachelor’s in Neuroscience. After spending four years working as a hospital physician with a clinical interest in oncology, Miles moved into research and was a clinical editor at the British Medical Journal for three years.

He is a self-taught coder in a diverse range of languages with a specialist interest in AI/ML/NLP and clinical informatics.

headshot of dr. miles payling, MD

Our advisors

Antonio Gulli

Antonio Gulli

Director of Engineering, Office of the CTO, Google
Dr Todd Rothenhaus, MD

Dr Todd Rothenhaus, MD

Chief Executive Officer, Cohealo
Marcus East

Marcus East

Executive Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, T-Mobile
Dr Sameer Amin, MD

Dr Sameer Amin, MD

Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Oscar Health
Michael Luck

Michael Luck

Professor of Artificial Intelligence, King’s College London; National Director for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted AI, UK Research and Innovation Centre
Greg Simon

Greg Simon

Past President of Biden’s Cancer Initiative, Exec Director of the White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force, & co-founder of FasterCures